Correctiv Wer Finanziert

Corrective Action: Transparency in Funding

Three Pillars of Support

Correctiv, a prominent investigative journalism platform, has recently gained attention for its in-depth reporting on far-right extremism. This non-profit organization's commitment to transparency extends to its funding model.

Financial Pillars

Correctiv relies on three primary sources of funding:

  • Donations from individuals: Reported as a total amount on the organization's website.
  • Support from foundations and other non-profit organizations.
  • Project-based funding: Specifically allocated for specific investigative projects.

No Revenue from Advertising or Subscriptions

Correctiv's funding model sets it apart from many media outlets that rely on advertising or subscriptions. By avoiding these revenue streams, Correctiv maintains its independence and editorial freedom.


Correctiv's transparent funding model reinforces its commitment to unbiased reporting and accountability. By relying on a diverse range of financial sources, the platform ensures that its journalistic endeavors are not compromised by external influences or commercial interests. This unwavering adherence to transparency has earned Correctiv a reputation as a trusted and independent voice in the media landscape.

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